Friday 25 May 2018

Summer vacation HomeWork class IX

Summer vacation Homework for class IX

Topic:- "Computer types"


  • Computer Definitions
  • Computer Size and Power
  • Explain the types of computer briefly with picture

Notes:- Use A4 size paper. describe all the point mentioned above. you have to submit your project date: 27th June to 30th June. Any query feel free to send your query on this 

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Holiday homework for class X

Holiday homework for class X



Gather information about Search Engine:-
  • Introduction
  • Component of search engine
  • How a Search engine works?
  • Explain search techniques:- Using quotation marks, Using Boolean AND, Using Boolean NOT, Using Boolean OR, Using multiple Boolean commands, Using Wildcards.
  • Google Advanced Search Tricks learn how to use advanced search and collect information about it and write it in your project.
  • Top 10 Google search tips & tricks
  • Google advanced search, Why advance search is the best way to find specific information quickly? write your views.
Note:- Use A4 size paper for your project and explain all the topic which is mentioned above. you have to submit your project on 26th June to 31st June(last date for submitting your project). Any query feel free to write us on 

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Class X chapter 1

Application Based Questions.

1. Broadband or WiMAX technology can be used to access Internet services. For using Broadband service they
need a modem and a switch to share the Internet while a WiMAX receiver is required to receive the wireless signals.

2. Do as per your available network connection.

3. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): IT is responsible to create data packets to be sent to the source
computer. It is also responsible to reassemble the received packets at the destination computer to the original
information. While Internet Protocol (IP) assigns the address of destination computer to each packet and enroute
them over the network to their destination.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol used by the client machine to send the request
to the web server for a web page and at the server end, it helps to transfer the requested page on the client machine.
Internet Service Provider (ISP): An ISP is a company or organization which provides access to the Internet
connectivity to the users.
IIS: Internet Information Services, a set of Internet-based services for servers using Microsoft Windows.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to send emails on the internet.

Class 4_ chapter 1_ second class notes!AsOoa0AiWbqZtGZ5bD56BnUOxcIJ