Saturday 14 July 2018

IX chapter - 3

IX : Chapter3

A.    Very short answer type questions.
a.   Hardware and software are the two major components of the computer system.
b.   The operating system is loaded in the main memory during the booting process.
c.   Example for CUI     is         MS-DOS        and     GUI     is         Windows       7.
d.   Bharat       Operating      System           Solutions       (BOSS) operating system is developed in India by C-DAC.
e.   The three categories of software with one example of each category are :
            System software e.g. MS-Windows 7,         
           Application Software e.g., MS-Word 2010 and Utility Software e.g., McAfee.
f.    Disk           Defragmenter           is         utility   software         helps  to         store   the       scattered        files in the contiguous memory blocks.
g.   MS-PowerPoint and       Impress          are      two      softwares       which are      used   for       creating          multimedia    presentations.
h.   Interpreter is language processor converts a high level language program line by line into machine executable codes..     e.g.,     BASIC.
B.    Short answer type questions.
a.   Hardware
Physical      components  of         computer       which can     be        seen   or         touch.
e.g.,  mouse,           lightpen.
Cannot        be        seen   or         touched.        They   are      set       of         programs         stored in         computer.
e.g.,  MS-Windows            7,         MS-     Paint.              b. The use of system software:
Controls      the      internal          functioning   of         the      computer       system.
Coordinates           the      working          of         various           hardware         components.
Acts as        an       interface        between         hardware       and     user.
            c. CUI
Stands        for       Character      User    Interface.
User has     to         type     commands    to         give     instructions   to         the         computer.
It       is         different         to         use.
e.g.,  MS-Dos          ,           UNIX
Stands        for       Graphical       User    Interface.
User use     various           graphical       components  like      menus,           icons,         buttons,          etc.      To        give     commands    to         the      computer.
It       is         user-friendly.
e.g.,  MS-Windows            7,         LINUX,           BOSS,            etc.  d. Role of Device Driver:
It       enables          the      hardware       device to         interact           with     computer.
Helps           to         understand   the      way     the      device will      function         in         the      computer       system.  e. Application software
Application software         are      the      set       of         programs       designed       to         handle           a          specific          users  job       or         task.
e.g.,  MS-Office
             Utility software
Utility           Software        are      used   to         perform          the      maintenance and         housekeeping          functions       of         computer       like      checking        or         removing       virus,  recovering     deleted           files     ,           etc.
e.g.,  Quick  Heal,   Disk    defragmenters.
f.    The two types of Application softwares are:
  General Purpose Application Softwares: These type of softwares are capable of handling general user problems     like      documentation,        database        management,           etc.      e.g.,      MS-Word,      MSPowerPoint.
  Customised Application Softwares: These type of softwares are designed as per the requirements of a particular user after studying their needs like billing system, fee collection system, etc. e.g., Billing System, Inventory management.
g.   (i) Operating system: Operating system is one of the system softwares that runs the computer by managing its different resources like processor, input/output, storage devices, etc. and acts as an interface between user   and     computer.      e.g.,     MS-Windows       7,         LINUX,           BOSS,            etc.
(ii)  Assembler: It translates an assembly language program to its corresponding machine code.
                        Device driver: It is a software that enables the hardware device to interact with the computer.
(iii) Antivirus: It is a utility softare which is used to locate and remove viruses from computer system. e.g., QuickHeal,        McAfee.
(iv) Defragmentation:  Process          of         locating          the      non-contiguous         fragments      of         data    into     which a          computer       file       may be divided is stored on a hard disc.
C.    Long answer type questions.
a.   Language processor       are      system            software         converts         the      user       program         into     the      binary codes so        that     machine        can     understand user problem to solve them.
             Various language processors are:
             Compiler: It converts high level language program into machine codes in one go.
             Interpreter: It converts high level language to machine code, line by line.
             Assembler: It translates an assembly language program to its corresponding machine code.          b.         Some  Utility  softwares       are:
Antivirus software:            protects          the      computer       from    attack  of         viruses.          e.g.,     QuickHeal,    McAfee.
Backup Utility: helps to keep the duplicate copy of important information in some external storage device from where it can be recovered in case of some mishappenings. e.g., backup Exec.
Compression Utility:         Compress      large   files     so        that     they    take     less         space in         the      storage           device.           e.g.,     WINRAR.
Disk Defragmenter: It helps to remove the memory gaps to enhance the data access speed of the computer system.
Encryption and Decryption Tool: Encryption is the process of converting sensitive information into the encoded form. Decryption is the process of converting the encoded information to its original form.
                     c. Customised   application    softwares       are      very     costly  as        compared      to   general          purpose         softwares       because         for       their    development, various software teams are established, software developers and testers are hired. Facility has to be created for development job.
D.    Application oriented questions.
a.   He  should install various    graphics  designing      softwares       like       PageMaker,   Adobe Photoshop,               CorelDraw,    Indesign,       Illustrator,       etc.
b.            (i) 5            
          (ii) 3
(iii) 4
(iv) 1
(v)  2
c. Arjun computer is going to be attacked by the virus to his computer work very slow and lots of problems come to him to do any task so he has to use Antivirus software to rectify this problem.

X Chapter - 2

Class X : Chapter2

A.    Very short answer type questions.
a.    Web browser is client based application is used to explore WWW.
b.    The four most popular web browsers used across the world are: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Apple Safari.
c.    World Wide Web is called Virtual Hypertext Network.
d.    The three basic components of search engine are:
The Spider or Web Crawler
The Database or Index
The Search Algorithm
e.    Some examples of the Search Engines used to find people on the Internet are: wink, Google, Pipl, Classmates, etc.
f.     Chatrooms are online place where people of same interest chat together.
g.    Process of sending mails electronically is called e-mailing.
h.    The two parts of the e-mail address are: Username and host or domain name.
i.      An attachment of upto 25 MB can be sent along with the e-mail message.
j.      Internet Chat and Video conferencing are Internet facilities that allow the users to communicate in real time.
k.    Anonymous and Non-anonymous are the two types of FTP servers.
l.      There is no limit to transfer a file using FTP service.
m.   Microphone, Web camera, speakers or headphone, monitor or projector, internet connection are the hardware requirements to use video conferencing facility.
n.    E-commerce means doing business online through Internet or networked computer system. 

E. Short answer type questions.
a.   World Wide Web is one of the information retrieval services of Internet which offers information on any imaginable topic. It is one of the largest pools of information stored in the form of interlinked web pages which are navigated using the hyperlinks present on these.

b.   Web browser is a client end application used for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources available on World Wide Web. Web browser interacts with the web server through HTTP and sends request for the required resource. When the web server sends back required resource, it displays it in the presentable form on client machine.
c.   Search Engine is one of the server resident programs which help the user on the client machine to locate the specific information with the help of search keywords. The Spider or Web Crawler a component of search engine which compiles the list of URLs and the keywords associated with it.

d.   To quickly search on the World Wide Web using search engines:
To search any phrase enclose it in Quotation Marks/ double quotes (“”) .
Avoid asking question.
Words which appear in capital letters are to searched by entering in capital for case sensitive search.
Wildcards are to be used for pattern words.

         e. Internet chatting is one of the online communication system which help the people to conserve with each other in real time by exchanging text or voice message whereas e-mailing service is used to send and receive message electronically.
             Chatting messages are delivered instantly whereas e-mail messages are collected in                    recipient mail box.

             f. Advantages:
             Very fast: Mails are delivered within no time to the destination.
             Cost effective: It costs less than the conventional mail.
            Needs computer knowledge: As the mails are sending electronically, basic working knowledge of computer is required for using this service.
                   Impersonal: Electronic messages are impersonal as you cannot write mails in your own handwriting and signatures.

g.   Cc stands for Carbon Copy and is used to mail the copy of the e-mail to the other recipients along with main recipient. In this the recipients come to know that they have received the copy of mail sent to someone else whereas Bcc stands for Blind Carbon Copy which has the same purpose as that of CC but in this , recipients does not come know that he is receiving the copy of a message.

h.   FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol which is used to transfer files online using internet service between the FTP server and client.
             Difference between two types of FTP servers:
  Anonymous FTP: It allows the user to download files without any proper authorisation as the user can login as a guest user.
  Non-anonymous FTP: It does not allows to access the server without proper authorisation i.e., only the registered users with appropriate permission can access the services of this server.

i.     Telnet is one of the Internet facilities which allow the user to establish a connection with remote computer so as to use the resources of the remote system. Various type of resources that can be accessed using Telnet are database, catalogues and tools like WWW,FTP, Gopher, etc.

j.     Video Conferencing is the one of the powerful facility which helps to conduct virtual meeting between two or more terminals in real time.
               For business community, it is a useful service as to conduct the meetings between the people located at different places; there is no need to travel to common place. In the field of education, it can help the student to attend the live lectures of the teacher from the distant location.

k.   A newsgroup is a virtual group created over the Internet for posting and sharing news and images among the users of common interest whereas Social networking is an Internet service that focuses on building relationship individuals from the distant location.

F.    Long answer type questions.
a.   Commonly used services available on the Internet are:
  World Wide Web: This is one of the information retrieval services of Internet which offers information on any imaginable topic.
  E-mailing: One of the popular internet services which allows to send and receive message electronically from one system to another on the internet.
  Chatting: An online communication system which helps the people to conserve with each other in real time by exchanging text or voice message.
             FTP: This facility used to transfer files online using internet service between the FTP server and client.      Video Conferencing: This facility is used to conduct virtual meeting among the users at different locations.

b.   Search Engine is one of the server resident programs which help the user on the client machine to locate the specific information with the help of search keywords entered by the user.
  Search Engine maintains a database of related keywords and resources which is created by Spider or Web Crawler; the part of search engine which scans the web server for the newly added URL’s or links. When user enters the keywords to search some information, it uses Search Algorithm to perform the search in the database and returns the links to the web page URLs containing the required information.

c.   Electronic mail delivering system works just in a same way as the traditional mail system. An e-mail address issued by the e-mail service provider issued fro sending or receiving the mails. When a mail is sent by the user, it is first collected by the senders service provider and then it is dispatched to the receivers service provider and then it is stored by the service provider to the receiver’s inbox. The receiver then log into its account to access its inbox and see the mails received in it.

d.   Social networking is an online community services where the people of common interest share message, ideas, event, etc. The services mainly focuses on building of social relations where an individual creates its profile containing information about itself , upload pictures and post entries to share with friends or public.
  A blog is a kind of online journal that allows users to share their ideas, views or opinions with the readers of its blog who may post their comments on these entries. Unlike social networking where Individual interact or share information with their friends. Blogging allows one to many communication as the postings done by the blogger can be viewed by anyone and they can post their comments on the post.

e.   Different applications of e-commerce are:
  E-banking: this is an online banking service which allows the account holder to undergo financial transaction related with his account through internet from anywhere in the world.
             E-shopping: This service allows the customer to purchase product or services online stores.
  E-reservation: Using this service system user can reserve train or air tickets do hotel reservations with the help of the Internet.

G.    Application oriented questions.
a.   He needs to use specific keywords related to the topic avoiding the unnecessary words. If there are some exact phrases to be searched then it is better to enclose them in quotes and the search should not be in the form of a question.

b.   The company should set up a video conferencing system at its various offices which will avoid the wastage of time and money involved in travelling to a common place for meeting.

c.   ( i) The various real time tools that can be used for these activities are blogging, newsgroups, forums, etc.
                    ( ii) Social networking

d.   He can create a blog for the purpose which is free of cost service that allows the user to post its ideas and viewpoints. The readers can post their comments on the same.

e.   Airtel and MTNL are Popular two Internet Service Providers of India.
f.    She needs a broadband connection. FTP protocol can be used for uploading or downloading files.

Thursday 12 July 2018

X Chapter - 3

Class X : Chapter3

a.        Database Management System has got many applications like:
         Reservation system: To reserve the train or air tickets from any location centralised information storage and retrieval system is needed. Database Management System allows performing such operations quickly in a networked system.
         Banking services: Using Database Management System banks can easily perform all types of account related transactions from any of their branch.
         Business Industry: Large organisations can be centralised their operations in one place using such type of system.
         Government Service: Various government services like income tax, return filing, etc. can be easily accessed from anywhere.
          Insurance Service: Insurance industry can use it to provide services to their customers like depositing, premiums, claim settlements from any of the location.

b.   Relational database system provides more flexibility to store data in the form of multiple tables which are linked together on a common field. It reduces the complexity of designing and storing data in the tables and moreover, it can be retrieved quickly and easily when needed.

c.       The possible fields in a table can be:
                StudID Text
                Student_name Text
                Class      Text
                RollNo   Text
                Event    Text
                Character            Text
                Event incharge Text
                 StudID field can be used as primary key field in this table.

d.            Tcode
No numeric calculations are needed

names are always character based

Alphanumeric value is to be stored

Text type value is to be stored

 Date of Joining
Dates to be stored

it is an alphanumeric value
The two ways to create tables in Access are:
Using Datasheet View: This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to design the tables as you can add fields to this table as per your needs and can enter data in the datasheet view.
Using Design View: This method is more flexible and it provides facility to design tables as per the requirements. But as no help is provided by the Access for designing these tables, user need to think very carefully about the fields required and their properties so that only valid data can be stored in these.

Application Based Questions.
a.     (i) The required fields in the personal details of the employees can be EmpID, name, sex, designation, department, address, phone_no, mailed, date of birth, date of joining.

 (ii) EmpID








Date of birth

Date of joining
                 (iii) EmpID field can act as a primary key field for table.

b.    (i) Data types of these fields are as follows:

Roll no



Date of birth


Date of admission

     (ii)  Rollno field field act as a primary key beacuse it stores unique roll numbers of each student.  

     (iii) Field name         Data type

            Father Name         Text

            Sex                       Text

      (iv) Date/time data type

      (v)  Phone no. field is defined as Text Data type because no calculations are to be performed on this field.


  (i)         ItemID




             (ii) ItemID and ItemName can act as a primary key field in the table.

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