Wednesday 29 August 2018


E. Short answer type questions.
            a. HTML is a markup language which uses a predefined set of tags to define the characteristics of a web document.
             The main characteristics of this language are:
Easy to understand and modify.
More flexible.
Allows using Graphic, videos, sounds, etc.
Platform independent language.
Can be used simply a text editor for coding.
b.   Head section of the HTML document contains information about the document such as its description, index, the name of the program used to create the document. Whereas the Body section contains information that is displayed on the web page when opened in a web browser.
c.   HTML tags which have both a starting and a closing tag i.e., they appear in a pair are called container tags. These tags wrap around the text in the document to be formatted.
     Empty tags have only starting tag but no closing tag. These tags are single line tags and they do not enclose any contents in it. e.g.< br > tag

e. Commonly used web browsers such as:
                   Windows Internet Explorer: Supports the HTML 5 video and audio tags along with the Web Open Font Format.
                   Google Chrome: Developed by Google Inc with the features mainly aimed to improve security, speed and stability.
                  Mozilla Firefox: Free and open source web application with features like tabbed browsing, spell checking, incremental find, live bookmarking, download manager and private browsing.
                     Apple Safari: Developed by Apple Inc. With all the latest features available for both Windows and MAC OS.

                  Opera: Its features include tabbed browsing, page zooming, mouse gestures and the integrated download manager.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Class IX chapter 5

IX chapter-5
E. Short answer type questions.
            a. The main components of Word Window are:
Title Bar: Title bar is displayed at the top of Word 2010 Window which shows the name of application i.e., Microsoft Word along with the name of the currently active document. The default name of Word document is Document1.
File Tab: This tab appears at the top left corner of Word window which gives access to the various file-related operations like opening a new or an existing document, saving or printing the currently opened document, etc.
Quick Access Toolbar:-This toolbar is present on the left side of title bar near the office button which contains the tool buttons to perform common operations like save, undo and redo.
Ribbon: The toolbars and menus present in the previous versions of Microsoft Word have been replaced by Ribbon in Microsoft Word 2010, which is made up of Tabs and Groups. Each tab has a set of commands present in the shape of tool buttons. These buttons are then further categorized under various groups.
Rulers: Word has a horizontal and a vertical ruler present across the top and left side of the document respectively, which tells the width and height of the page. It also shows the margins, indents or tab positions.
Document Area: This is the largest area in Word window where the text is entered for processing. It has a blinking line at its top left margin, called cursor which is the insertion point from where the text entry starts on the page.
Scroll Bars: The two scroll bars in the window help to navigate in a large-sized document. The horizontal scrollbar is helpful while moving from left to right and vertical scroll bar to move from top to bottom.
Status Bar: This bar is located at the bottom that displays the information like current page number, the template in use, zoom percentage, overtype mode, selection mode, etc.
            b. To open a new blank document in Word:
Click the File tab.
Select New option from the first column of the backstage view.
A New Document dialog box will appear as shown in the figure.
Select the Blank Document option from the Blank and Recent Section.
Click on the Create button.
c.  Find & Replace option is used to search specific text in the document and if needed it can be replaced with the new text using this option.
d.   Character formatting helps to emphasise the text to improve its readability and appearance. To change the font style of the existing text select Font group select the required font style.
e.   Copying means repeating the selected text at the new location without removing it from the original location, whereas moving means shifting the existing text to the new location.
f.    Headers and Footers are the standard information which appear at the top or at the bottom of each page in the document. To add them in the Word document use Header or Footer options in the Insert tab.     
g. To change the line spacing of the paragraph text:
Select the paragraph whose spacing is to be changed.
Open Paragraph dialog box by clicking the dialog box launcher at the lower right corner of  Paragraph group.
Open Paragraph dialog box.
Under the Spacing section on the Indents and Spacing tab choose the required line spacing from the drop box as needed.
            h. The difference between bulleted and numbered list are:
In the numbered list, each item is marked with a unique number or alphabet whereas in the bulleted list each item is marked with the same symbol.
In      the      numbered      list,      each   item     appears          at         a          specific         position          in         the      list       whereas         in         bulleted          list         there   is         no       specific          order   of         the      items   in         the      list.
            i. Page margins are the space between the page boundary and the text entered in it.
             To change margins in the Word document:
Click            Page   Layout             Page Setup  Margins option.
Select          the      margins          from    the      drop    down  list.
 j. Symbols option in Word is used to insert special symbols in the document which are not available on the keyboard.
             To insert the required symbols in your document:
Select          the      Insert  tab       and     click    Symbol (  ) drop option on the Symbols group.
Some           standard        symbols         will      appear            in         the      drop    list.         Click   the      one     you     want   to         use     and     the      selected         symbol           will      appear at the insertion point.
If       you     want   to         use     some  other   special           symbols         which are         not      there   in         the      list,      click    More Symbols option in the drop list to open Symbol         dialog box      as        shown            in         figure.
Choose       the      required         symbol           or         special           character       to         be        inserted          and     click    Insert button.
            F. Long answer type questions.
a.   (i) Left   (ii) Superscript
(iii) Bold,         centered,       underlined,   Font    color,  size
(iv) Find and replace
(v)  Numbered list
b.   Text editors are used to create unformatted text document i.e., a text editor does not provide the features like page settings, character formatting, etc. So it is mainly used for creating source code of the program whereas a word processing application provides many powerful features and tools for creating , editing and formatting sophisticated text documents like letters, reports, books, etc.
c.   Advantages of using word processing application over the traditional documentation system.
             Speed: Documentation is easier and quicker in word processing applications.
             Easy to Edit: Document editing is easier in word processing applications.
                   Character Formatting: This feature allows character formatting features to give attractive look to the document.
             Graphical Support: using this application, graphics can also be inserted in the text document.
  Storage: Document can be stored permanently into the storage device for later use and printed multiple times.
  Object-Linking and Embedding (OLE): This feature allows to add objects like a video clip, audio, chart, image, etc in the document.
  Useful Tools: There are many built-in tools like spelling and grammar checker, mail merge, print preview which are helpful in doing specialised job for correcting spelling or grammatical errors, viewing the document before printing or generating multiple individual letters using mail merge.
d.   The text editing features available in Word Processor are:
Copying:     Using this      feature           the      text      entered          in         the      document         can     be        copied            to         different         locations        without           affecting the original text.
Moving: This feature allows to move the selected text from one place to another.
Find and Replace:            This    is         one     of         the      powerful        text      editing         features         which helps  to         search            specific          text      in         the         document and if needed it can be replaced quickly with new text.
Undo and Redo:   Using these  editing            features         the      wrong actions           can         be        undone          easily  and     if          an       undone          action needed can be repeated again.
e.   Various character formatting tools are:
Font Type:  Using this      tool      we       can     easily  change          the      font     face.
Font Size: Size tool can be used to change the text size.
Special formatting tools:  Three  special           formats           i.e.,      Bold,   Italics  and         Underline      can     also     be        applied           on       the      selected text.
Aligning tools: Text alignment tools can be used to change the current text alignment as Left, right , center and      justified.
Text color: This tool helps to change the colour of selected text.
f.    Page formatting help to change the page settings. The various page setting options are:
Page Size: To select the proper page size on which the hard output is to be obtained. You can also select customized size by specifying height and width of the paper.
Page orientation: the two types of orientations i.e., Portrait and Landscape are used to print height-wise or width-wise.
Margins: Margins settings can be changed to set left, right, top or bottom margins.        g. (i) Add bold effect to the line title i.e., sub.
(ii)  By selecting        the      letter   body   text      and     clicking          Justify tool      button on      the      Paragraph group.
(iii) Click Home  Paragraph  Paragraph dialog box option to open paragraph dialog box and in it, using Line Spacing section on the Indents and Spacing tab.
(iv) Select       both    the      paragraphs    and     on       the      Indent and     spacing          tab      in         the      Paragraph     dialog box,     by        adding            first      line      indentation.
 G. Application oriented questions.
a.   Computerized
Text can be edited and formatted as needed.
Hard copy can be produced multiple times.
New documents can be created using an existing document.
Errors like spellings and grammar errors can be corrected easily.
Supported by graphics.
The document can be printed directly. No need of printer.
No    need   to         learn   the      use     of         any     computer       applications.
Cost effective.
No    storage           of         the      document.
Graphical    objects            cannot            be        used.
                        Based on       the      above points,            we       can     easily  conclude       that      computerized            word   processing    is         much  more   beneficial      over the manual documentation.
b.   Rayan can use Header/Footer option in the Header & Footer group in the Insert tab to add such information which will automatically repeated on each page of the document.
c.   Mr. Sharma          can     use     Bullets            and     Numbering    feature           to         create a       bulleted          list       of         ingredients    which automatically arrange the items in an orderly manner.
d.  She can use Symbol option in the Insert tab which provides a set of characters that are not available on the keyboard.
e.   Mr Dhar can use subscript formatting feature of Word to show these characters below the normal baseline.
f.    Kunal can use Ctrl+U keyboard shortcut to underline the text.
g.   Equation of Symbols group in the Insert tab.
h.   Landscape

Class 4_ chapter 1_ second class notes!AsOoa0AiWbqZtGZ5bD56BnUOxcIJ