Sunday 17 February 2019


A. Tick (3) the correct answer.
a. (ii) Plagiarism
b. (iv) All of these
c. (ii) Self Plagiarism
d. (iii) Both (i) and (ii)
e. (i) Author’s collection of books
f. (iv) Privacy
g. (ii) Piracy
h. (iii) System analyst

B. Answer the following as True or False.
a. True
b. False
c. False
d. True
e. False
f. False
g. True
C. Fill in the Blanks:
a. Ghost writing
b. Potluck paper
c. Degree
d. Privacy
e. Copyrights
f. Industrial Property
g. 70

D. Very short answer type questions.
a. Plagiarism means stealing the ideas, thoughts or writings of some other person and using them by one’s own
name without the knowledge of actual writer or author.

b. The two types of plagiarism are: Ghost writing and Photocopying.

c. Using one’s own work in other format is called self plagiarism.

d. Privacy is the right of an individual to keep its information secret from others and revealing it only on the selective

e. Data Privacy can be defined as the relationship between the collection and sharing of data about one self.

f. Intellectual property can be categorised as:
● Industrial Property
● Copyrights

E. Short answer type questions.
a. Online plagiarism refers to downloading and using information from the online resources like World Wide Web.

b. Different types of plagiarism are:
Ghost writing: It refers to copying the entire work of someone else.
Photocopying: Using most of information from other sources along with some own work.
Potluck paper: Using information from different sources with little modifications.
Self plagiarism: In this a writer uses his own work to present it in a new format.

c. Different ways to plagiarism are:
● Acknowledging the source of information used.
● By taking prior permission from the actual writer.
● By reframing the contents in one’s own words.
● By enclosing such contents in quotations.

d. Difference between Data privacy and Personal privacy are:
Personal privacy refers to one’s personal information which includes the information about one’s location, health
or financial transactions. Whereas Data Privacy deals with as the relationship between the collection and sharing
of data about one self.

e. Copyright is the right of an author on his creative work or an artist on his artwork which protects them from its
unauthorized recreation or reproduction.
Subjects covered under the copyright includes are books, films, musical creations, computer software, electronic
data, drawings or sculptures and architectural designs.

f. Database Administrator (DBA) controls the database operations of an organization. His responsibilities include the
designing, implementation, modification and maintenance of the company’s database and to grant accessibility
rights to the various users.

g. ICT refers to the technology that provides access to the information through high speed communication like
Internet wireless network, cell phone and others.
The various benefits of ICT:
Education: Education has not been just restricted to classroom but one can learn anything and anywhere .
Health: Quality of healthcare system is improved a lot.
Governance: Government services are improved with the introduction of e-governance.
Virtual Schools: School which are using online services to provide education to the learners.
Economy: The world has termed to a global economy.

F. Long answer type questions.
a. Plagiarism can be of different types depending upon how the information is copied and used.
Ghost Writing: If someone copies the entire work of some other writer word by word without quoting the name
of original writer and uses it by one’s own name then such type of plagiarism is called ghost writing.
Photocopying: Sometimes a writer uses quite a good amount of information from some other source along
with his own work and that too without making any changes in it. This is called photocopying.
Potluck Paper: When a writer uses information from different sources and with few changes present it as its
own work, it is called potluck paper.
Self Plagiarism: In another type of plagiarism a writer uses his own previous work to present it in a new format
is called self plagiarism.
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism can be avoided by keeping in mind certain points while using information from any other source like:
Acknowledging the Sources: If you want to use some information from a book or some website in your
work, always acknowledge the source along with such information from where it is taken.
Take Permission from the Author: If possible, take the written permission from the author of original work
for using his contents in your own work.
Read and Reframe: Do not just use the contents as it is from the source, but read from the various sources
and put them in your own words.
Use Quotations: Put everything that comes from some other source within quotes. This is also one of the ways
of avoiding plagiarism.

b. The steps required to be taken to protect such information from unauthorized access or damage are:
● Always use an upto-date antivirus software in your system to protect the information from virus attacks.
● Never disclose the confidential information like passwords or account numbers to any website or email.
● Always use password protection for the important information in the system.
● Keep the backup copy of the data sent to receiver it in case of some accidental damage.
● Encode your confidential information before sending it through emails or some other means.

c. The writer of second paragraph has used Potluck paper type plagiarism to create the writeup. To avoid such
situation he would have taken the prior permission from the original writer or he should have acknowledged the

G. Application oriented questions.
a. She can use the web resources to create her project report and to avoid the situation of plagiarism. She can quote
the website name from where she is collecting the information.

b. Before starting the production, its better to get the product formulations patented so that it should not be used by
the other competitors.

c. Adding New Content

d. Web developer


A. Tick (3) the correct answer.
a. (ii) Spreadsheet
b. (iv) Worksheet
c. (i) Active cell
d. (iii) 3
e. (iii) Formula bar
f. (i) Left
g. (i) Ctrl
h. (i) F8
i. (iv) All of these
j. (iii) = sign
k. (ii) MIN( )
l. (i) Mixed reference
m. (iv) Area chart

B. Answer the following as True or False.
a. True
b. False
c. False
d. True
e. False
f. False
g. True
h. True
i. True
j. False
k. True
l. True
m. False
n. False

C. Fill in the Blanks:
a. Rows, Columns
b. Cell
c. Spreadsheet
d. Cell address
e. Right
f. 1,048,576 , 16,384
g. 8.43, 15
h. Function
i. Values, Cell address, Cell range
j. Chart
k. Embedded Chart
l. Legends

D. Very short answer type questions.
a. Microsoft Excel 2010 is used to organise, analyse and manipulate data electronically in the tabular form.
b. There are 3 sheets are there by default in a workbook.
c. The extension of files saved in Excel is .xlsx.
d. There are 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in it.
e. Active Cell is the one which is pointed by the cell pointer to store, manipulate or format data in that cell.
f. We select the complete row by clicking in the row header to be selected.
g. The different cell addressing modes used in a formula are: Relative Reference, Absolute reference and Mixed
h. The different types of data values can be entered in the Excel Worksheet are: Number, Text and Formula.
i. Pie chart represents only single data series.
j. ^ Exponent ,/ Division ,* Multiplication ,+ Addition ,– Subtraction arithmetic operators can be used for creating
formulas in a spreadsheet.

E. Short answer type questions.
a. An electronic spreadsheet allows storing large amount of data in a single worksheet. The data entered can be
easily manipulated or formatted as per need. It allows automatic calculations and to quickly convert the numeric
data into the graphical form called chart.

b. Workbook is a collection of multiple worksheets. Excel workbook is saved with the extension .xlsx. By default it
contains three worksheets with the default names as Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
Worksheet is like an individual page of a workbook made up of cells formed by the intersection of rows and
columns. A single worksheet in Excel contains 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns in it.

c. A range is rectangular block of contiguous cells used to perform common operations on multiple cells. Multiple
non- contiguous ranges in a worksheet can be selected using Ctrl key without deselecting the previously selected

d. AutoFill handle presents at the bottom right corner of the active cell or range is used to fill automatic series of
number or text in the consecutive cells across the rows or column.

e. The Different number formatting options available in Excel are:
Number: To display general format of number.
Currency: To show values in currency format.
Accounting: To line up the currency symbols and decimal points.
Date: To display date serial numbers as data value.
Time: To display time serial numbers as data value.
Percentage: Multiply the cell value with 100 and show % sign.
Fraction: To show fractional values.
Scientific: To show more precise fractions.

f. Formula is a mathematical expression made up of operators and operands which is used to perform calculating
e.g., =(4+5)*2 whereas Functions are the predefined formulas used to perform complex calculations on the
supplied arguments e.g., =SUM(4,5,6).

g. Making use of cell address in a formula to refer the value stored in that cell is called cell referencing.
There are three ways to refer the cell address in the formula. These are:
Relative Reference: This type of referencing causes the change in cell address used in the formula with
respect to the change in position of the formula when copied. e.g.,=A1:A2
Absolute Reference: In this, the cell address in the formula remains fixed irrespective of its change in position
when copied. e.g., =$A$1+$A$2
Mixed Reference: In this, the change in cell address is restricted to either row or column only when copied.

h. Charts are the graphical representation of data values stored in the worksheet. These are mainly used to quickly
analyse the data values by representing it in different formats. Some of the commonly used charts in Calc are:
Column chart, Bar chart, Pie chart, Line chart, Area chart, Scattered chart, etc.

i. (i) Line Chart: A Line Chart represents the changing trends of the data over the time at equal intervals.
Area Chart: Area Chart is also used to emphasise the magnitude of change in data over a period of time.
But in this each data series is plotted to show the relationship of a part to the whole.
(ii) Pie Chart: Unlike the other chart types, Pie Chart is used to plot just one data series to represent the
proportional size of one item to the sum of the items in the series. Each item is represented by one slice or
pie of the whole chart.
Doughnut Chart: Doughnut Chart is used to represent the relationship of a part to the whole. But unlike
pie chart, doughnut chart can represent more than one data series where in each series is plotted in the form
of concentric circles.

j. To Change the Data series:
● Click on the Chart to select it.
● Choose Select Data ( ) option in the Data group under the Design tab, to open Select Data
Source dialog box.
● Click on collapse button in the Chart data range box which is showing the current data range.
● Select the changed data values to be plotted.
● Expand the dialog box clicking the expand button and click OK button.

k. To Select the Entire Worksheet:
● Press Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut.
● Click the Select All button at the intersection area of row and column header.

F. Long answer type questions.
a. (i) (a) =(B2+C2)*0.25
(ii) =(B2+C2+D2)-E2
(iii) =MAX (F2:F8)
(iv) =COUNT(B2:B8)
(v) IF(A1>75000,”not eligible for bonus “,” bonus “)and then copy this command to all cells.
(vi) Autofill feature
(vii) Bar chart
(viii) No, he need not to do the calculations again as the relative reference is used in all the formulas created in
the worksheet.

b. The basic components of electronic spreadsheet are:
Workbook: A basic Excel file, contains multiple worksheet in it.
Worksheet: Individual page of a workbook made with the intersection of rows and columns.
Rows: Horizontal sections of a worksheet used to store record values.
Columns: Vertical sections of worksheet used to store field values of the worksheet.
Cell: A small rectangular block formed by the intersection of row and column. These are used to store worksheet
data values.
Cell Pointer: Highlighted cell boundary which appears on currently active cell and is used to modify or format
the cell value.

c. To Rename a Worksheet:
● On the sheet tab area, right click on the sheet name you want to rename and choose Rename option from
the shortcut menu.
● Select the current name and then type the new name. Press Enter Key.
To Add a New Worksheet in the Workbook:
● Click and select the sheet using sheet tab before which you want to insert new sheet.
● Right click on it and choose Insert option from the shortcut menu. Insert dialog box will appear as shown in
● From the General tab in the dialog box, select Worksheet icon and click OK button to get a new blank
worksheet in the workbook.
To Delete a Sheet:
● Select the worksheet(s) to be deleted.
● On the Home tab in the Cells group, click Delete ( ) drop button and choose Delete Sheet option in it.

d. To fill standard data series in the Excel worksheet:
Using Autofill Handle: Enter the first two values of the series in two consecutive cells along the row or
column. Select these two cells to form a range. Click and hold Auto Fill handle drag across the row/column along
which series is to be filled. Release the mouse button when you reach to last number of the series.
Using Series Command: Select the range of empty cells along which you want to fill the series.
Home Editing Fill Series option.
● Enter the first value of the series in the first cell and select the range to be filled.
● On the Home tab in the Editing group click Fill ( ) and then click Series option in it. A Series dialog
box will appear.
● Under Type, click one of the option:
■ Linear: Series created by adding the values.
■ Growth: Series created by multiplying the values.
■ Date: To create series of date values.
■ AutoFill: Creating series like using fill handle.
● Enter the Step Value by which the series values are to be changed and the last value in the Stop Value
box. Click OK button.
● The range will be filled with the required series.

e. To insert functions in the Excel 2010 worksheet you can make use of function wizard as follows:
● Select the cell in the worksheet where function results are to be displayed.
● Click the Insert Function ( ) option on the Formulas tab.
● Click Insert Function ( ) button on the Formula bar.
● Press Shift + F3 keyboard shortcut.
● Insert Function dialog box will appear as shown in figure.
● Select the function category from the Select a category drop list. Function from the selected category will
appear in the Select a function list box.
● Click and select the function to be used from the list.
● Click OK button. Functions Arguments dialog box appear on the screen.
● Click in the argument box named Number1 and use collapse ( ) button to the right of it, if you want to
select argument list from the worksheet.
● Select the desired data range in the worksheet on which the function is to be performed. The selected range
will appear in the argument box. You can add more arguments if needed.
● Once finished with the arguments selection, press Enter key or click OK button. The result will appear in the
destination cell.

f. To create a Chart in Excel Worksheet:
● Select the data in the worksheet, to be plotted including the column headers.
● Click on Insert tab and in the Charts group click the specific chart category drop button and choose the
required chart from the expanded list.
● The chart plotted with the selected values will appear on the worksheet in default settings.

g. (i) 44 (ii) –40
(iii) =$B$3+D3 (iv) =$B3+D3
(v) =$B4+D$3

G. Application oriented questions.
a. (i) =SUM(C2:G2) (ii) =($H$1)*100
(iii) =AVERAGE(C3:C6) (iv) AutoFill feature

b. (i) Chart title- Quarter wise sales analysis
X-axis title- Region
Y-axis title –Sales(amount)
(ii) Bar chart (iii) Consistent
(iv) South (v) North

Saturday 16 February 2019




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