Wednesday 18 April 2018

Class X


Q.1. What is computer Network?
Ans. Inter-connectivity of two or more computers to share information and resources among them, is called computer network.

Q.2. What is Internet?
Ans. Internet is the largest network of computers spread across the world. It is also called network of networks as it conncets millions of dissimilar networks around the world.

Q.3.What do you understand by ARPANET?
Ans. ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. This was the name of a network developed by ARPA, an agency sponsored by the US Defense Department. ARPANET was later popularised as Internet.

Q.4.What do you understand by the terms 'Backbone' and 'Gateway' in context with Internet?
Ans. An Internet Backbone is a central high speed interconnecting structure which connects the dissimilar networks whereas gateway is a special network device which connects the individual networks to the backbone such that they can communicate with each other.

Q.5. What is Client-Server technology?
Ans. This is a technique used to connect the computers in a network such that a resourceful machine called server, provides connectivity to various client machine with limited resources. The client machine sends a request for the data to the server machine and the server replies to the request by sending the requested resource to the client machine.

Q.6. What is protocol? Which set of protocols is used by the internet?
Ans. Protocols are a set of communication rules followed by the system while exchanging information with each other.
Internet uses a set of two protocols i.e., TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) and IP(Internet Protocol) to exchange the information among the connected resources.

Q.7. What is the function of a Modem?
Ans. Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator. It is a device which connects the computer to the communication lines capable of carrying analog data. Modem converts digital signals to analog at the sender's machine and analog to digital at the receiver's machine.

Q.8. Who owns the Internet? What is the role of IETF and IRTF?
Ans. Internet is not owned by any individual or organisation but it is managed by some volunteer organisation who work for the development, research and management of this network.
IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) looks after the technical issues and development of new standards for the working of Internet whereas IRTF(Internet Research Task Force) looks after the long term research issues like Internet protocols, applications, architectures and technologies related to Internet.

Q.9. What is the different ways to connect with the Internet?
Ans. Mainly there are three different ways provided by the ISPs to connect withe the internet. These are: 
  • Dial-up connection
  • Broadband connection
  • Wireless connection
Q.10. What is the different between Internet and WWW?
Ans. Internet is a huge collection of complicated networks, which are connected to each other via some media. WWW on the other hand consist of the collection of all public web sites connected to the internet worldwide that access web content containing interlinked information, which acts as a resource for the Internet.

Q.11.What is URL?
Ans. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the unique address of a resource available on the Internet that helps to locate the exact server on which that resource is stored.

Q.12. What is the difference between HTTP and HTML?
Ans. HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol helps the browser and web server to communicate with each other whereas HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is used to create the web pages. 

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